Hello everyone! I have decided to start my daily blogging by adding a few pictures of my classroom from last year. I am moving across the hall to a larger classroom this year and I am really not that excited about it. It is going to be a lot of work. For a few weeks I have been dreading the move but I have decided to look at it as a positive. I get a larger Kindergarten classroom and get to decorate from scratch. It is going to be a lot of work but I am up to the challenge. I have searched many (and I mean many) Kindergarten blogs this Summer and have tons of ideas swimming in my head. I have decided to start next week and get my NEW classroom ready for the new year. So....... here are a few pictures from my old classroom.

This is a picture of my meeting group area. This is where the magic begins! My students begin the day with choosing classroom helpers, exploring the daily calendar, singing our favorite Dr. Jean songs, etc.... We visit this area several times a day. What in the world would I do without my carpet???? I wouldn't be the same without it.
This is an up close picture of my special helpers section of my meeting board. Each student in my class has their own apple with their picture and name. I move the apples in a clockwise pattern each morning so that we have new helpers each day. I have decided that I am going to try to use a "bee" theme this year that will match my carpet.
This is the only picture that I could find of my small group/guiding reading area. This picture was taken at the beginning of the school year and changed a lot toward the end of the school year. As you can see it is really small. I am going to have a larger small group area in my new classroom. So excited!
This is what my large group area looked like. The tables were handy....... yikes they look rough don't they? I think that these tables were used in Kindergarten when I attended Kindergarten at this school. I am 33 so........ anyway, they served their purpose. I am keeping my fingers crossed for new tables. They are on my wish list. :)
This picture shows my computer area and my play dough center. I also have a large cubby shelf that I store classroom items in.
This is what my double doors looked like in my classroom. My new room only has one door leading into the hall. I am thankful because I will have more space. :)
Thank you for looking at my old room. It did change toward the end of the year. I just remembered that I have more pictures on my old cell phone. I will upload some of them tomorrow. :) Happy blogging!!!