
Monday, December 3, 2012

December Currently!

I am still in shock (like most of you) that it is December already. It seems like this school year is flying by! I have linked up, once again, with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade for this months currently. Here is what I am currently up to.....
I just love the Griswold's! I have to watch "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" every Christmas. It just cracks me up. I never get tired of it. I was so excited when I saw that it was on TV tonight! Yay me!
I have finally finished all of my indoor Holiday decorating this weekend. I just love my Christmas tree. I have spent the last few years collecting gingerbread ornaments and my tree is now complete thanks to the Cracker Barrel and Hobby Lobby.
My parents have both passed away and Christmas is now kind of a lonely holiday for me. My husband's family have all moved away and my Christmas wish this year is for all of us to be together this year. I don't want any presents. I feel that God has blessed me with all of the material things that I need. I just want to have fun and celebrate with the friends and family that are still on Earth. That would be the best Christmas gift ever!
I really need to start my Christmas shopping. I haven't bought the first thing yet and it is killing me. Last year I went black Friday shopping and was finished that day. This year I decided to stay home and now I regret it so bad. I hate waiting until the last minute.
My random act of kindness is buying a stranger a drink at Starbucks. I am also planning on taping a dollar to our drink machine at school so that the next person to buy a drink gets one for free.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and reading my currently. I hope that you have the best Christmas ever! Happy Holidays!


Unknown said...

Glad you found me! Im following your blog! Glad to meet another TN teacher blogger too!

Unknown said...

Hi Janelle. Found your blog through Farley's December currently. Now I'm your newest follower. I love National Lampoons too - the squirrel in the Christmas tree gets me every time!


Sarah said...

So funny, that is what we were watching last night too! It is my hubbys favorite Christmas movie too! Found your blog through the Currently, I'm your newest follower!


Clearly Kindergarten

Tammy said...

Love your blog. I am a new follower also. I will need to give my kindergarten teachers your blog address. I noticed that you didn't link your blog to your post in my blog when you left a message. If you would like to know how to do that email me at: and I will tell you how to do that. Have a great last couple of weeks of school before Christmas Break.

Mrs. Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis

Barbara L said...

Love your RAK! That's very cool.
I'm following you now, too! Thanks for visiting and following me.

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Brittany said...

Janelle, your blog is SUPER cute and I'm glad I found you through Farley's linky. I LOVE your RAK. I would definitely want to be on the receiving end of the drink machine one! I'm always jonesing for a Coke around 1 or 2!

I nominated you for an award :-)
You can read about it and pick it up here.

Have a great Weekend!!

Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit

Teach*Pray*Love said...

I just watched National Lampoon's Christmas for the first time last night! It was hilarious! I nominated you for an award - here is the link if you'd like to check it out ~
Merry Christmas!

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